Wing Chun Punching Bag Training - Using a Wallbag

 Vital for every martial art is training their strikes and use the Wing Chun punching bag is no different. There are many different types of bag and pad that can be used to train your Wing Chun Punch - and say that one is better than the other missing the point.

Together, heavy bags, wall, focus pads, etc., are all key elements of the enigma that is ... to strike hard and fast with his Wing Chun strike.

This article will focus on some of the excellent training tips and secrets behind the wall of the bag (or sandbag) - probably the most popular and traditional training bag of Wing Chun.

Fill your bag wall

Depending on your instructor, lineage and experience you will hear a variety of fillings. In the end harder spectrum are those who recommend to start with someone softer (eg. Rice, mung beans, lentils), work your way to the sand, then finish with iron ball bearings.

Forget it.

Crippling hand defeats the purpose of training in the martial arts, as they are also to be in good health. Personally a combination of beans and old clothes is good for me. A more difficult choice my instructor, once used was sand (finer most densely their wall pack bag and the harder it will be), but even sand can be harmful to health and hand movement time.

Packaging work

While conditioning is simply a "collateral benefit" and not the main objective (ie. Hitting hard is the main reason why we are) there is a degree of conditioning that comes with all the Wing Chun training bag. Keep an eye on your hands to look out for cuts and scrapes that will never heal if you do not bother them.

Mix your piercing with palm trees and wall bag chops which extends strenuous training sessions in the wall of the bag, puts less pressure on your joints and towers as a Wing Chun practitioner.

Mounting your WallBag

More than a great scholar went out and bought a bag wall in an attempt to add Wing Chun training punching bag to your routine. Without thinking about where they will host it.

Obviously the bag wall is mounted on a wall, which is ideal for saving space but the impact sound resonates throughout the house and the house next potentially too. Especially if you have a flat or apartment.

You have been warned.

Another option may include mounting to a tree and met crazy people driving their trees sandbags. Not good for the tree. Some elastic elastics are perfect, sure to keep your bag dry wall for your toppings and in good condition.

If your bag wall is filled with sand, then rain and moisture buildup in the bag causing similar content cement. Not great for hands!

Sections bag wall

This type of Wing Chun punching bag comes in sections - typically one, two or three. Personal preference is always for a bag wall section that can replicate three high, medium and low door striking. Not only add the ability to mix high, the variety makes the workout more interesting and valuable.

Wing Chun Punching Bag: The Wallbag

The wall bag Wing Chun is one of the many great training aid for power and poison their strikes. Versatile and funny, serious bag adds power of his shots, added to their strike isometric strength and is a great way to insulate their weapon strikes.

The confusion of different heights and shapes of the hand (punches, palms, chops, etc.) maintains healthy and rewarding training. And do not forget to take care of your hands, which are the tools of his trade and without his long-term health - Wing Chun Punch suffer and slow training.

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