The Martial Art of Wing Chun

The martial art of Wing Chun is a relatively unknown and obscure style until the early twentieth century. Over time, it became a major force in China, becoming one of the most important and recognized martial arts in the world. Today, thousands of people study this martial art.

The first thing students learn is that force must always counter with force. Following this principle of force against force, it is possible that the smallest and lowest quickly and easily with larger and stronger opponents against the fighters.

In any confrontation, one student quickly analyze your opponent and then use the force and the force of the opponent against them. This concept is taught by training of Wing Chun students.

Even the weaker students, when properly formed can beat opponents 3 or 4 times greater than if they use good technique and strength of the adversary against him.

Wing Chun teaches techniques such as punches, kicks, and a handful of grappling holds. No sign a lot of grip, but, like most techniques use force against force in the neck Kicking striking lines and downs.

The strikes that are taught are very fast and always vital areas of the body of the opponent. The most vital areas of the human body are located along the center line of the head to the feet, the same area that Wing Chun students learn how to protect and attack with their technique.

Most vital points in and around the center line at impact can end a confrontation if the student is able to land a powerful blow. The basic Wing Chun is the theory that the shortest distance between the student and the opponent is a direct attack on the center line.

For this reason, students spend much of their training to learn how to attack and combat force toward the midline lead.

Wing Chun is a great martial art that teaches students how to use force against the force of any kind of meeting.

Although not much grappling holds or weapons used in Wing Chun, tested and proven techniques and movements taught are very effective for self defense

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