Things You Can Do to Stay in Shape - I Do Them All

Staying fit is difficult. Especially if you work, have a family, and maybe even travel for business. It's so easy to have good intentions, but fall to the sports car that crawl in six months and 20 pounds later. Here are four things I do when I can to stay in shape.

1) Road. Walking is a great exercise, but not take longer than many other forms because it is relatively low impact. I often walk my dog, walk to the store, walk with my children, and I even park a few blocks from where I'm having a good day and walking.

Last week, while stuck in an airport for a couple of extra hours due to flight delays, I bet he walked at least five miles! And when I was at the hotel and not quite a vigorous workout after a long day watching the news while walking slowly on a treadmill; it was much better than doing nothing!

2) execution. I have a love-hate relationship with the race. I will not run for months pretending to hate, so I'll start again. Running is a great way to get lots of exercise in a short period of time, and can run almost anywhere. Wear a pair of slippers in hand when the mood strikes me.

3) Beach. Loved bike when I was a child and I found that I still love the bike. Whether it is 1/2 mile on grandmother with children, 8 miles to the ice cream shop, one of my favorite trips, or even 18 1/2 miles to work very occasionally, it's great exercise and fun. You can even bike into an exercise bike, a favorite of my wife, not my first choice. Unfortunately it snows in New Hampshire, so do manage to bike around eight months a year or so.

4) Go up the stairs. It climber machine that many people like and give you a great workout, but I prefer the real stairs. I climb the 5 floors of my desktop clients more often, and sometimes I'll upload more than 20 flights when I am traveling and staying high in a hotel. I try to do it at least once a week if you are traveling and staying in a skyscraper. It's a great workout!

Here are four things I do to stay in shape I like. There are many other activities so just pick what you like and go at it! Your body and mind will thank you!

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