3 Great Ways to Improve Your Wing Chun Punch

Wing Chun Kuen (fist) or Wing Chun Punch is a very effective method very different from many other styles drilling. Made famous by the late Bruce Lee through his inch perforated events right bang "- the stamp Wing Chun is a blunt instrument, human economic weapon when trained and properly used.

This drilling method has become a way to close quickly, hitting a perfect choice for self-defense and attack certain organs of the most vulnerable areas - throat, solar plexus is a favorite of some recognized prestige Wing Chun Masters .

There are a variety of ways to train Wing Chun punch, some more traditional than others. This article will cover some of the best ways to improve your punch or blow chain and my personal favorite is likely to confuse, surprise and cause a stir!

3. Training Wall Bag
It's not a surprise to students of Wing Chun existing. Wallbags are usually made of canvas and divided into sections about 30cm by 30cm. Wallbags come either as a single article, two or three. My preference is for the three, offering training in a variety of heights.

To fill the wallbag is somewhat controversial because it connects with the packaging hand with nothing being filled with ball bearings (not recommended) for old clothes. Wall Formation bag is perfect for strength training. Hitting a punching bag that is mounted on a wall means that you will never be able to hit through it the same way you can a hanging bag that adds significant isometric look for your training and helps improve not only the power behind his shot, but the strength of the wrist and forearm.

This training tool is the perfect power (or speed if short blasts his shot into the bag).

2. Focus Pad Training
FOCUS PADS (also known as the hook and jab mat) are hand-held by a training partner that pills' offer a variety of flow and the formation of the reaction (in addition to the training speed and power - depending on your focus). The appearance of "live" of this training is that it is unique feature that makes it more realistic to say bag training wall - perforated bags do not hit back, but the couple can focus skates!

FOCUS PADS are the most versatile of all formations for help, you can work your footwork with his punches, kick static positions and must respond to changing objectives. These are also great for (hit hard and focusing on the transfer of weight) or a quick job on short and quick combinations.

They are not only the most flexible training aids, you can easily train anywhere with almost everyone - the biggest drawback is that you need a partner.

1. Live Training Partner
This seems like an unusual choice for the approach many and just beat the yolks to the top of the list. Hitting a bag and hit a real person are very different - hitting pads and bags are much greater resistance than a real opponent for the return is very different. Also part exactly as you realize a few inches can make a big difference in landing a big punch and kick an opponent entirely - something both using the training can not replicate.

The question is how to train your punches living with a partner and not get hurt! The easiest way is to use the shock of bumps. His punches against a partner creates resistance that can be turned up or down to suit you end goal. This method also has an element of sensitivity means that links seamlessly with chi sau, exercise sensitivity that Wing Chun is a vital part of the Wing Chun training.

A live training partner his punches can be used with footwork that the two battle for the best angle, change the height and intensity of your shots and you can work on accuracy if a partner decides to leave other "in" and land their strikes with the command. With experience this live training exercise can progress in the fight - it is certainly the most beneficial of all training methods (no matter what anyone ever told).

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