Kicks on the Wing Chun Dummy: A Great Training Tool

Kicks on the Wing Chun Dummy: A Great Training Tool
Wing Chun dummy is one of the most advanced forms of training in Wing Chun, in addition to being one of the most famous.

Designed for training in the absence of a partner, and teaches him to attack angles and coordinate the techniques of hands and feet - Model is one of the nicest pieces of equipment for training Ving Tsun only .

It's also the best way to train their kicks - the joint, pass, and kick scan.

There are eight sections on Wing Chun Dummy

The shape dummy consists of eight different sections. The first and second sections are the same - only performed on different sides of the wooden man.

All other sections 7 are very different and vary considerably.

Kicking lateral thrust

Leaving aside the terminology (which varies from lineage to lineage - differences in pronunciation and spelling) the first shot Ving Chun is used in Article 4 of the dummy.
After traveling mannequin next step on a side kick (sometimes done with Kwan / Sau Quan) in the phantom.

Side shot Stamping

The fourth section of Chong you have to change all the way next to the model - if you walk on the left side of the dummy stamp on the knee of the dummy with a kick right front, while the use of this right sau and hit the dummy with the average left palm race.

This operation is repeated on the opposite side.

Cruz Label kick

The seventh section of the dummy use one of the more unusual step of Wing Chun. As you step on the left side of the model with the left leg - bring your right foot to the left foot (or even cross your feet) before launching a left foot shot down the fictitious body.

Repeat on the other side - it's certainly one of the most difficult moves Mook Yan Chong assembly.

Kick forward, side kick knee after ankle, lateral sealing and scanning

The last section of human wooden form is where it all happens. The section opens with a series of bong sau (wing arm) before hitting the body of the model with a front kick.

Before moving the leg landed a side kick knee, then slide down, where opponents would angle - flat stamping.

Halfway through the next section the modeling step - make a gum sau (trapping arm) and launch a frontal knee chong thrust kick.

As the section on her to take the old Wing Chun dummy weapons - draw while sweeping the leg - landing your last movement began as.

Before his death Grandmaster Yip Man - the last undisputed master of Wing Chun Kung Fu - allowed someone to record what makes the whole ghost.

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