How To Do A Liver Flush

By Daphne Bowen

The liver is one of the most abused organs in the entire body because of bad lifestyle habits. It is because of this fact that people would often do a liver flush regularly like every once a year so that this organ will be able to remain healthy. So for those who are interested to do this kind of thing, here are some steps to take in order to do this type of cleansing ritual.

Now when one would start, he should first do a little bit of fasting. Now fasting is one of the most important parts of this process as it would actually clean the body and make it ready to take in some nutrients. However, one should be cautioned that fasting is may be uncomfortable and sometimes a bit painful for those who are not used to it.

Now when one would start with the cleansing, he will be needing to mix a variety of citrus juices. The citrus juice should contain around fifty percent grapefruit juice, twenty five percent orange juice, and also twenty five percent of lemon juice. One should first put these three juices in separate cups then mix them together later on. After preparing the juice, one should also prepare a cup of olive oil.

What one should do with this is that he should do this an hour before he goes to bed. In that one hour, he should drink a fourth of the citrus mixture he made and also a fourth of the cup of olive oil. He should drink this every fifteen minutes in that one hour before he would go to sleep.

Once the one hour is up, then one should go to sleep right away. He should sleep on his side because the citrus and the olive oil will be able to move through the body more easily in this position. Besides, scientifically sleeping in this position is better for the health than sleeping facing up anyway.

Now when one wakes up already, he will be taking a whole new mixture again. Now for this, he should have some sea salt ready which he will be mixing into a big tumbler that contains four cups of warm water. This mixture should be drank the minute that one wakes up in order for the full effect to take place.

Now within the day, one has to make sure that he just eats nothing but vegetables and soup. He should make sure that the vegetables are just steamed and should not contain too much spices or seasoning. If one would do this, then he will most likely be releasing his gallstones within the day through several bowel movements.

Now this is definitely one of the best ways to become healthier and to have a well functioning organ. Now the ones with livers that are in bad condition will definitely experience a little bit more discomfort than those who have livers with better condition. This is especially true for heavy drinkers and late sleepers.

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